Wednesday, June 17, 2009

More Firsts

Day 4: OK so something new happened this day, but now that I'm writing I can't for the life of me remember. I will update this post when I remember. OK got it. I ate cherries off the Hope Center Cherry Tree.  Only to find out that 1/2 of the were filled with worms.  So I don't know if I ate a worm or not, but that would be 2 firsts in one day if I did...gross.

Day 5:  I conducted an entire activity in Russian (More like I was forced to).  Please understand that although I know a few Russian words this activity required me to say 6 new words that I had exactly 30 seconds to learn. Even with my cheat sheet it was quite humorous.

I will tell more about this day of camp later.  It is 11:04 and they are now letting the dogs out.  Did I mention the only place to get internet here is outside.  So I really need to go.  Please pray for energy and strength.  I am about at the end of my rope.

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