Monday, June 22, 2009

Camp 1 Day 9

Highlights:  I have not asked all groups but as of now I have learned that there are 28 commitments to Christ.

Today is the last day official day of camp.  It is also Sunday which means that we don't get up for morning exercises.  So we got to sleep in 15 minutes.  The day went something like this.

Bible Lesson Lead by Christine about how we need God.  
Sea with Bubbles and Kites
Meeting (At which I was told I needed to move rooms this night)
Craft (Crossess)
Practice for Closing Ceremony
Supper (Ice Cream for dessert!)
Closing Ceremony (The interns did a skit.  Acting out all the daily activities in less than 1 minute - to Flight of the bumble bee.  I don't know if we thought it was more funny or them.)
Bonfire - this is were we sing some songs and then light the fire and then the kids can go to the microphone and say what they are thankful for.
Slide Show of Pictures from throughout camp.
Say Good night to the kids.
Find out that the team that will be moving into my room is coming at 6 am.  
Finish Moving out. (Strip Beds of linens)
Wash floors in 4 rooms and Set up beds for team.
Move into new room (Which I will stay in for 4 days before I move again :o)
Crash so I can get up early in the morning to clean more.  (Hence this is posted late)

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