Friday, June 19, 2009

Camp 1 Day 7

I am suddenly aware of how boring these posts are. However, my free time to complete them is at the end of a 17 hour day of ministry and I don't have much left in me.  I hope that at the very least they are a little informative of what I do here, even if they are not very entertaining.  Here is how today went.

Hair, Exercise, Breakfast: Nothing really out of the normal here.
Bible Lesson about God is everywhere done by Rich
Sea (We had to convince the kids that they wanted to go as it was a little chilly.  Megan and I didn't do a very good job at this, because they still did not want to go.  However when they came back they were glad to have gone.  We flew kites which was fun for them).

Lunch, Meeting, Rest (I meant to take a 25 minute nap, but it turned into 1 hour and 45 minutes.  I guess I needed it.  Another member of the team couldn't even be wakened from her nap.  I think that we are all getting tired - but the naps did wonders for our energy levels the rest of the day.

Interest Groups came next the rockets were the hit, until all supplies were gone.  Think film canister, water and alka-selser(I have no clue how to spell that).  The after a few seconds the canister would fly up to 15 feet in the air.  They LOVED it.  We also did 3D Pictures, in which the kids were very creative; Mancala; Music station and Sports.

Then Dinner and Craft (paper airplanes and helicopters) followed by find the counselor.  So we had to "lock" the kids in the dinning hall till all the counselors hid.  It took over 30 minutes before the first one was found and more than 1 hour before the last one.  One was literality locked in a box that was then stacked with desks on top of it. Two were on the roof.  Three were in a corner covered up by items and one of these was moving from place to place. There were others but I don't remember

Bedtime Stories: We talked about how we can't get to Heaven through works, but only through Jesus.  We talked about it is a gift (not something we deserve) but we need to accept it.  Tomorrow Morning (9:00), Megan and I will do the lesson about how Jesus is the only way.  And in the evening (7:30) we will do a salvation skit and the Director, Andrey Shpigunova will give his story. Please pray that God moves in the lives of these kids and that they will choose to receive this gift.  (Remember we are 8 hour ahead of most of you) Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think the blogs are the slightest bit boring! As I read it, I can hear it as if you were telling me yourself. Thank you for taking the time out of your sleeptime to write. I will definitely be praying for you all at 1 am and at 11:30 am MN time! God Bless :)
