Saturday, June 20, 2009

Camp 1 Day 8 - Praise God!

Highlight: Today we did the salvation skit and then Andrey (the camp director) talked.  I will update later about what happened in other groups but in my group of 10 girls all prayed this prayer of salvation with Andrey.  Five for the first time ever Praise God!!!.  I heard that in another group it was all but one.  God is doing amazing things as this has been a very tough group of kids.

The rest of the day is not nearly as important or exciting, but incase you want to know this is what happened.

Hair, Morning Exercises, and Breakfast (All of which I skipped because I was preparing for the morning bible lesson and then for plan C as the sea, plan A, didn't work because it was too cold and windy, and a movie, plan B, didn't work because the projector was being used for a meeting with Lars, the founder of Global Action.)
Bible Lesson: Megan and I did the lesson on how Jesus is the Only way.  It went very well
Impromptu Meeting to plan game:
Practice for Closing ceremony
Biffer, again
Craft (We did magic pictures)
Salvation Skit and Message, then break into groups to talk with kids
Bedtime Stories - this is the last night to really talk with the kids.  In my group the girls asked lots of questions.  Good Questions, like how God answers prayer, or why he answers it in different ways than expected.  I was very impressed.  Then all the girls got a chance to pray.  They pray so unselfishly.  They thank God for numerous things, and then 99% of all prayer requests are for others. They ask me questions, and yet in so many ways I look up to them.  Please pray for them as they go home and continually following Christ with little support is not so easy.

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