Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Today started like a normal work day.  Rake all around the football field.  Work until you think you are going to collapse and then Break for Lunch.  After lunch you are still too tired and hot to rake again so work on something inside.  For me this was planning for the next camp.

Then the news:  Natasha, one of the sweetest, most quiet workers we have. She currently is working in the kitchen, and therefore I don't get a chance to see her as much, but a couple years ago, she cleaned the building I was staying in.  She taught me how to say hello, formally of course, and although besides that we couldn't communicate exchanged smiles everyday. Smiles are not so common among "strangers" here.  Monday morning Natasha died from an epileptic seizure. She was in her early thirties, not much older than me.  She has a 12 year old son. I don't know why, but this hit me hard.  The only words we ever exchanged were hello and thank you. But still it hit me like a sledge hammer. First pain, then paralyzing everything, numbness, nothing. Why her? Why here? These people have hard enough lives, why must they deal with this added pain? I trust God has a purpose in everything, even when I can't possibly comprehend it. Please pray for her Son and family in this hard time. Pray for understanding, Pray for hope.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday = Church!

Normally Sunday is just another day of Camp.  During camp all reality of time fades away.  But between camps it is restored. So Sunday is indeed a day of rest.  We started the day we our new little home church. Matt and Sarah the missionaries here miss a real English speaking service.  So we had one, including worship songs and a 3 point sermon. We learned about humility and servanthood.  

Following this we spent a little time at the beach.  Played Farkle and returned just in time for lunch.  I don't know what happened with the others, but at this point I really took the "day of rest" literally and took a 3 hour nap. 

Today is a local holiday or something like that celebrating youth. So we went down town, walked around  road on the ferris wheel, took pictures and then went out for supper.  I had a meal that was named Madonna.  Don't ask me why.  I guess they just named all the foods by famous people.  

We returned via a Mashutka without a translator.  We memorized the name of our stop and prayed that the driver would understand our american accents.  We were successful.  After a quick stop at the market for ice cream and drinks we went back to camp and watched the United States vs. Brazil Soccer game.  Apparently this was some final game, big deal, dat ta dat ta da.  I have no clue as I don't follow any of it.  But it was interesting none the less.  I think this was the first time I watch an entire game of soccer, that wasn't played by 4 year olds.  I guess that could go in the firsts column.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The last 3 days

I realize that I haven't posted in a few days and although I feel like not much has happened I should give an update regardless.

Two days ago we slept in and then Matt made us american omelets.  After which our 4 jobs were to 1) do our nails 2) clean our bodies 3) test the sand at the beach 4) clean our plates.  So basically we didn't do much.  However, we fought to hold a monopoly on the washing machine so that we could wash our cloths (one washer for 100+ people). 

Yesterday we raked 2 new sections while one our guards/grounds people cut down some trees and trimmed the hedges.  Which made our job that much more interesting. In the afternoon we worked on the craft room for a few hours,  as I said before this project will take a number of days.

In the evening we went for a walk on in down town by the water front.  This is apparently the thing to do for entertainment, as there were people everywhere.  Of course the women were dressed to the nines, walking up and down the water front in 4 inch heals.  There where carnival rides.  And much smoke and beer.  I felt like I was at the county fair wondering around waiting for the evening event to start.  What is the evening event?  A fire works show (which happens every night) and they do things a little different here.  They start with the grand finale and then end with 2 big single fireworks.

Today we spent all morning sweeping up the leaves and pine cones left from the trees that were taken down yesterday. Then in the afternoon we spent watching a movie while testing markers and planing for the next camp.  The evening was filled with conversation as we just never really stopped this after supper.  We ended with cake and tea to celebrate the return of friends.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The uneventful Norm of in between camps

Today for the most part was uneventful.  And that in the chaos of things is good from time to time. I slept in.  Skipped Breakfast and kept Sleeping.  I suppose I slept about 11 hours, just spending time catching up.  

Then I spent most of the time preparing for the next team.  Really I just refused to do the yard work in the heat of nearly a 100 degree day that is humid beside.  Walking in the shade caused a sweat, so I needed some type of distraction to avoid working in the sun. This involved numerous emails and final planning.  I feel much better about what is coming up although I still have a few details to work out.

I spent an hour or two cleaning the craft room.  Instead of organizing and just putting things away, we are actually cleaning.  Getting rid of stuff that can't be used and consolidating the mounds of things that can be used.  This is sure to be a long processes, as we are already on day 2 and not nearly done.  

After Dinner we started to rake again.  We have a number of acres to rake and the rakes here cover a swath of about 1 foot unlike ours in the US  so this will also take a large number of days.  We do one to 3 sections a day.  Today it took 5 of us 2 hours to do one section.  

Following this I had the privilege of cleaning the toilet room in our building.  This includes not so bad things like washing the sink and the mirror.  Sweeping the floor (which I have to do from outside the bathroom because it is too small to be inside and sweep at the same time). And cleaning the toilet - and because this gets done every day really isn't too bad.  However, there is one thing that grosses me out.  Taking out the trash.  You see here in Ukraine we cannot flush toilet paper.  So taking out the trash includes everyones toilet paper for the day.  Just thinking about it makes me gag.  But I figure God is just looking for creative ways to humble me, as I usually shrug of the rest :o)

A little chat with the people at home, rest and blogging to end the day.  Tomorrow we all get to sleep in because Matt is making breakfast for us instead of having it in the dinning hall.  American Style Omelets!  Which of course are very different than Ukrainian style omelets which a closer to an egg bake without any of the good stuff mixed in...just eggs. So that is all I know for today. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Excursion Day

Today we had breakfast, then took public transportation to down town.  Some of us went shopping while the rest of us went to the Metrodate (I'm not sure how to spell it).  I was in the latter group.  Although I had been there before I wanted to prove to myself that I could still climb the 420 steps it took to get to the top.  I have no clue why.  But I did indeed make it.  And back down again!  

We had lunch also in two groups one group went to a pizza place, while the other group went to a "sandwich" shop (although they also supposedly have the best coffee in town - interesting combination) I was in the latter group again.  The had wraps like we have in the states, but they are cooked.  It was tasty.  

We then took public transportation to the Ostrich farm.  Which is more like a hobby farm/zoo.  They obviously had ostriches, but also guinea pigs, regular pigs, rabbits, peacocks, ducks, turkeys, horses, donkeys, doves, and pigeons.  I took pictures (mostly because I was board) but I will have to down load them later.  And we tried to make the animals mad, so we could get better pictures.  Some time we were more successful than others. But the attempt made it more entertaining. 

And of course to get home public transportation again, we had to change busses in the middle and stopped for some ice cream along the way. The day ended with some Phase 10 and a fire with smores.  This was the first time roasting marshmallows for some of our Ukrainian friends so that was interesting and fun. 

Tomorrow is the last day with the team.  I think there is more shopping and the beach involved, but I hope to spend some time prepping for the next camp.  I also need to do some grounds work.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Camp 1 Day 10 - Say Good Bye and Then CLEAN!

We got up to finish cleaning and putting new linens out for the new team  However there are 42 of them, so they will take up 2 buildings.  They ate breakfast first so we had to help the kitchen staff turn around breakfast for our kids in 15 minutes.  Getting new dishes and putting all the food out.  A task that usually takes one hour.

Then we had Breakfast and said good bye to some kids.
Then we Cleaned the second building that the team would be moving into.  Cleaning involves the following:
1) Take all the bed clothes off
2) Sweep the floor with a Hansel and Gretel style broom.
3) Wipe the spider webs off with a regular stile broom (For this is the only reason you need a handle on a broom :o)
4) Wash the doors, handles, window sills, and windows, the wood borders on the floor.
5) Mop the floor.  (A mop here is a wood "T" stick that you wrap a towel around just right  and hope it doesn't fall off)
6) Remake the Beds
7) Clean the Bathrooms
8) Take out the Trash

I helps mostly with items 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 in two different buildings.  Buy this time I was told the other two buildings had finished.  I am so happy I don't have to do more.  Although we get to do this another 5 times during the summer. The next two time with 1/2 the help.  And I think we still get to sweep outside.  I don't know if that is a today activity or not.

We did manage to take a short break to say good by to another group of kids.  It is now 12:30 and about time for lunch for those of us who are still here.  I was told that all kids would be gone by 11:00 but I guess that is Ukrainian time because we still have about 20 and 3 don't leave until tomorrow.

If anything else Exciting happens I'll update this post, if not I'll wait till tomorrow.

Camp 1 Day 9

Highlights:  I have not asked all groups but as of now I have learned that there are 28 commitments to Christ.

Today is the last day official day of camp.  It is also Sunday which means that we don't get up for morning exercises.  So we got to sleep in 15 minutes.  The day went something like this.

Bible Lesson Lead by Christine about how we need God.  
Sea with Bubbles and Kites
Meeting (At which I was told I needed to move rooms this night)
Craft (Crossess)
Practice for Closing Ceremony
Supper (Ice Cream for dessert!)
Closing Ceremony (The interns did a skit.  Acting out all the daily activities in less than 1 minute - to Flight of the bumble bee.  I don't know if we thought it was more funny or them.)
Bonfire - this is were we sing some songs and then light the fire and then the kids can go to the microphone and say what they are thankful for.
Slide Show of Pictures from throughout camp.
Say Good night to the kids.
Find out that the team that will be moving into my room is coming at 6 am.  
Finish Moving out. (Strip Beds of linens)
Wash floors in 4 rooms and Set up beds for team.
Move into new room (Which I will stay in for 4 days before I move again :o)
Crash so I can get up early in the morning to clean more.  (Hence this is posted late)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Camp 1 Day 8 - Praise God!

Highlight: Today we did the salvation skit and then Andrey (the camp director) talked.  I will update later about what happened in other groups but in my group of 10 girls all prayed this prayer of salvation with Andrey.  Five for the first time ever Praise God!!!.  I heard that in another group it was all but one.  God is doing amazing things as this has been a very tough group of kids.

The rest of the day is not nearly as important or exciting, but incase you want to know this is what happened.

Hair, Morning Exercises, and Breakfast (All of which I skipped because I was preparing for the morning bible lesson and then for plan C as the sea, plan A, didn't work because it was too cold and windy, and a movie, plan B, didn't work because the projector was being used for a meeting with Lars, the founder of Global Action.)
Bible Lesson: Megan and I did the lesson on how Jesus is the Only way.  It went very well
Impromptu Meeting to plan game:
Practice for Closing ceremony
Biffer, again
Craft (We did magic pictures)
Salvation Skit and Message, then break into groups to talk with kids
Bedtime Stories - this is the last night to really talk with the kids.  In my group the girls asked lots of questions.  Good Questions, like how God answers prayer, or why he answers it in different ways than expected.  I was very impressed.  Then all the girls got a chance to pray.  They pray so unselfishly.  They thank God for numerous things, and then 99% of all prayer requests are for others. They ask me questions, and yet in so many ways I look up to them.  Please pray for them as they go home and continually following Christ with little support is not so easy.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Camp 1 Day 7

I am suddenly aware of how boring these posts are. However, my free time to complete them is at the end of a 17 hour day of ministry and I don't have much left in me.  I hope that at the very least they are a little informative of what I do here, even if they are not very entertaining.  Here is how today went.

Hair, Exercise, Breakfast: Nothing really out of the normal here.
Bible Lesson about God is everywhere done by Rich
Sea (We had to convince the kids that they wanted to go as it was a little chilly.  Megan and I didn't do a very good job at this, because they still did not want to go.  However when they came back they were glad to have gone.  We flew kites which was fun for them).

Lunch, Meeting, Rest (I meant to take a 25 minute nap, but it turned into 1 hour and 45 minutes.  I guess I needed it.  Another member of the team couldn't even be wakened from her nap.  I think that we are all getting tired - but the naps did wonders for our energy levels the rest of the day.

Interest Groups came next the rockets were the hit, until all supplies were gone.  Think film canister, water and alka-selser(I have no clue how to spell that).  The after a few seconds the canister would fly up to 15 feet in the air.  They LOVED it.  We also did 3D Pictures, in which the kids were very creative; Mancala; Music station and Sports.

Then Dinner and Craft (paper airplanes and helicopters) followed by find the counselor.  So we had to "lock" the kids in the dinning hall till all the counselors hid.  It took over 30 minutes before the first one was found and more than 1 hour before the last one.  One was literality locked in a box that was then stacked with desks on top of it. Two were on the roof.  Three were in a corner covered up by items and one of these was moving from place to place. There were others but I don't remember

Bedtime Stories: We talked about how we can't get to Heaven through works, but only through Jesus.  We talked about it is a gift (not something we deserve) but we need to accept it.  Tomorrow Morning (9:00), Megan and I will do the lesson about how Jesus is the only way.  And in the evening (7:30) we will do a salvation skit and the Director, Andrey Shpigunova will give his story. Please pray that God moves in the lives of these kids and that they will choose to receive this gift.  (Remember we are 8 hour ahead of most of you) Thanks!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Camp 1 Day 6

Highlight:  1 girl gave her live to Christ today!  Please pray that others will be touched and make decisions.   We do our salvation skit and explanation for the whole group on Saturday (but remember we are 8 hours before most of you).

Bible Lesson: On how God Loves us even when we mess up. Charisse did a great job with a skit and got the children involved
We didn't go to the sea today because it was so cold.
Instead we moved craft up to this time (Bookmark/Ball transformations) However most students turn the bookmark into a hat. 
Interest Groups (Mancala - we made boards with rocks and egg cartons that the kids get to keep, Hair and Nails - one of our most popular stations along with Plastic Lacing things, Cards, Basketball, and Football and Volleyball - which the kids did not go to - I think this is a sign that they are looking for more variety :o) Maze - Craft.
Talent Show - We did a sinkcronized swimming rutine in laundry buckets filled with water.  We even moved the buckets so we could do 3 formations.  It was hilarious, or at least I was told.  Tanya said she laughed so hard her stomach hurt.  I'll see if I can post a video sometime - But don't tell the men - they were wearing women's swimsuits over their clothes and really don't want that out on the net.  However, we don't think that is possible :o)  (I did actually take pictures, but now I need to down load them.  There simply isn't enough time in the day)
Movie - Some Cartoon that I didn't stick around to watch, because it is all in Russian and I have no idea what is going on.  Instead I worked on team things for next camp.
Bedtime Stories - I learned that our girls have lots of misconceptions about how to get to heaven.  We started helping them understand what we believe, but then time was up.  We will be continuing this conversation throughout the end of camp. (Which really is 2 nights)  Please pray for understanding and decisions for Christ to be made!!!
Sleep (Please continue to pray that Christ gives us energy and good sleep as we average a maximum of 6 hours of sleep a night, and are busy almost non-stop for the other 18 hours of the day.)

Thank you for all your prayers!!!!  They are much needed and appreciated.

Camp 1 Day 5

It is now day 6 which means I really don't remember day 5.  I'll do my best...

Short Version (I have 2 blogs to do tonight, before the dogs come out)

Wake Up
Do Hair
Do Morning Exercises
Morning bible lesson is on how God Provides.  Given by our intern who used to be a child at this camp.  Seems fitting to me!  He did a great job.  This was the first lesson that I was able to ask my girls about later and everyone of them remembered all the important details.
Beach (I didn't go, so that I could prepare for the next camp) However they did a relay game that the kids really liked.
Interest Groups (Origami, Caterpillar and Butterfly Crafts, Maze Craft, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Cards)
Practice for the Talent Show
Kazoo Marching Bands: By far the kids favorite activity of the day.  Every child got a kazoo and they practiced songs in their wards and then preformed this.  The LOVED it, even the older boys.  It was great
Craft (First Aid Kit - the Doctor came and explain how to clean a wound 1st and also Flower Pens)
Bedtime stories - We went early so we could spend 30 minutes instead of 15 with the kids. At the end most all girls prayed thanking God for something and then asking him for one request.  Some girls didn't pray because they didn't know how so we will go back and talk about this again.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

More Firsts

Day 4: OK so something new happened this day, but now that I'm writing I can't for the life of me remember. I will update this post when I remember. OK got it. I ate cherries off the Hope Center Cherry Tree.  Only to find out that 1/2 of the were filled with worms.  So I don't know if I ate a worm or not, but that would be 2 firsts in one day if I did...gross.

Day 5:  I conducted an entire activity in Russian (More like I was forced to).  Please understand that although I know a few Russian words this activity required me to say 6 new words that I had exactly 30 seconds to learn. Even with my cheat sheet it was quite humorous.

I will tell more about this day of camp later.  It is 11:04 and they are now letting the dogs out.  Did I mention the only place to get internet here is outside.  So I really need to go.  Please pray for energy and strength.  I am about at the end of my rope.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Camp 1 Day 4

Highlights from today.  The kids are opening up more and more.  They continually ask more and more questions.  My girls in Bedtime, listen more intently than any group of children I have ever talked with in my entire life (and I have talked with a lot of kids). They hang on every word of God's love.  We have been teaching them how to look verses up (Book, then big number and then small number) This is brand new for them and the work so hard at it.  So we keep practicing.  I even gave them a homework assignment to read a story in Luke and many of them found the verses and read this during their free time.  Tonight a girl prayed.  She went through the longest list of things that she was thankful for.  Not just please give me's.  But mostly thanks.  This is huge coming from a 10 year old.  It bless me so much to listen.  Please pray that this continues to build as we get closer to the salvation message. And that the children learn ways to continue to follow Christ throughout live.

Little or big Miracles.  I traveled here with Christine.  She came last year - but the trip and camp was very hard on her for medical reasons.  Many days she was unable to participate.  She was very worried about this.  We thank all of you who have been praying for you. And ask that you continue.  We feel all of them.  After getting over jet lag.  She has been perfect.  Able to participate in everything, including the strenuous trip to the beach - She does better on the Hill of Death than I do. She is full of energy and the previous difficulties have melted away.  We are rejoicing and praising God for his amazing kindness.

I am doing much better getting into the swing of things and the activities that the team has.  I still am helping with some impromptu things. But mostly I am now getting at least 3 hours notice.

In "Short" today went like this:

Help braid hair

Morning exercises (attempt to teach the electric slide...didn't work)


Bible Lesson, on how God loves us.  We sang "Jesus, Lover of my Soul" in Russian and English.  The kids liked this very much.  Each day we learn more camp songs to sing - which I get to help out with the actions.  (Pray that I remember more of them...but they are coming.)

Sea - with sand tattoos and sand castles

Eat (With 2nd lunch)

Meeting (We are trying to make this 15-20 minutes but I have a hard time getting this less than 30.  This is a less important prayer request but one that I have)  

Sweep the streets: As an intern this is one of my not so fun jobs I get to do every few days.

Biffer - I don't even know how to begin to explain this game - THink 8 stations + one Fake station that kids need to complete with a partner. However all the while they are being chased by "Biffers" who will "Biff (hit with a sock full of flour) the kids.  If Biffed they must wait for the doctor to come and heal them.  If they cheat the security comes and puts them in Jail (a 2 minute time out).  It is complicated, yet the kids LOVE it.

Prepare for Talent Show - It is in two day's I'll tell you more about it then.

Eat (and with 2nd dinner)

Dance: This was a great Idea of the team, but they were not as excited to lead it so...guess who did lead it?! I'll give you one guess.  Did you guess yet??  If you said me, then you are correct.  We did the limbo, macarana (I don't know how to spell that), chicken dance, hand jive, Thriller, conga, Cha Cha Slide, the twist, Bunny Hop, Wipe out, a line up were the people go down the middle doing their dance and then keep going around, and a few others that I can't remember. What ever music came on we did that dance. 

Craft: Origami stations, I learned how to make boats and then taught the kids.  We will see if they float tomorrow at the sea.

Bedtime Stories (I told you about that earlier)

I have yet to take my camera out.  To busy...but I'll try to get some from the others that are taking them.  I just seam to run out of time for that.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Camp 1 Day 3

I only get internet outside and am being eaten alive by mosquitos (yes we have them here too, and their bite so much worse than at home) So here is the Short Version:

Wake -up
Do Hair
Do the ChaCha Slide for Morning Exercises
Bible Lesson (About God as our shepherd) - I got to act out the songs again.
Go to Sea (Swim in freezing water) - Have a treasure hunt for buried coins
Go to Market and Rest
Interest Groups - I taught a bunch of boys this cup game that is too hard to explain.
Scavenger Hunt
Craft time
Bedtime Stories
Write to you

Maybe more tomorrow


You would think that after being here 5 years in a row, spending a total of more than 6th months here that I would have seen and done most Ukrainian Traditions.  However, In three days I have tried three new things.

1) Salo (Not really sure how to spell that)  This is something you eat. And aparently Ukrainians love it. The best way to describe it is bacon without the meat.  For those of you know know that I take the fat off my bacon to eat it.  This was quite a stretch for me.  I got most of it down :o)

2) Kvas: This was once described to me as Ukrainian's Coca Cola.  Not because it tastes anything like it, but that is the frequency in which this is consumed here.  Some one once described that this tastes like beer/sarsaparilla.  Christians here like it because of this reason and the fact that drinking alcohol is not something Christians do here.  Never mind the fact that  it does indeed have a small alcohol content.  It is so small they don't consider it as such.  I have know ideas, but maybe it is like drinking Robitussin.  As far as I was concerned it tasted equally bad. 

3) I held a jelly fish today.  Actually two of them.  The kids find them in the water and gave it to me to hold.  They are clear and either dead of not poisonous, because they don't sting.  But they sure feel funny to hold.  And afterwords your hands still stink like fish.

I am curious as to what other firsts this will hold.  I'll post others as they come along.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 2 of Camp 1

Today was my first full day of camp.  The team said I could sleep in but with jet lag or whatever, I was wide awake at 5:30am.  Today was a typical day at camp, but I didn't have any time to get acclimated. I am the "lead intern" for this very small camp.  What that means is that I MC just about everything.  The trouble is that I missed all the planning meetings, so I get about 1 hour notice before I need to do something.  

I started with welcoming all students when they gathered for meals.  Breakfast went without a hitch, but it was my first time interacting with the group as a whole.  Many students are very reserved. Many refuse to participate.  Many participate, but reluctantly. I thought I was going to be in for an uphill battle trying to get them excited about all that we do.  

After that we had Morning Bible Lessons. I had to do all the actions for all the songs in front of all the kids.  I though no problem, but when I was in the middle of this, I forgot all the actions! However, through the grace of God I was able to fumble through.  I was asked to pray before the bible lesson started.  Bob and Rich talked about how God knows us. Then I, with Meghan's help, was in charge of getting kids excited for the sea.  After breakfast, I was concerned that this would be difficult.  But it went fine.  

After Bible lesson, I was told one of my responsibilities as lead inter is to lead the planning meeting.  I work with the leader to see what they have planned and then convey this to the group.  And make sure that nothing important gets missed. Ummm, the only problem is I have that I have no clue what the schedule looks like.  I guess I have about an hour to find out :o)

After this we went to the beach.  This time of the year the water is a little cold, but after a while it warms up. I used some of this time to find out what in the world I was to convey at the meeting. We got back in camp just in time for Lunch.  In which, we then had to stall all 98 hungry kids for 15 minutes because Lunch wasn't read.  This was interesting, and thanks to my fellow interns we pulled it off...barely. However, on a good note it is clear that the kids are starting to open up and participate more.

After lunch we have our meeting.  Which went just fine (all though not a smoothy as I like).  In the afternoon we did interest groups. Which is where the children get to do different activities (soccer, volleyball, cards, legos, coloring, hair, manicures, etc).  After this we were planning the Bible lesson.  One of the team members were going to do this.  However, in the middle of playing SKIPBO with some kids.  This team member came to me and asked if instead I would do the Bible lesson.  So in about an hour I did this too.  This was an amazing time were every child got a bible.  They were very excited!

We ended the day with craft (Self "portraits" and My story book) and bed time stories  where each of the kids got to read their story books. 

The most amazing thing from today is watching the kids go from being reserved to opening up.  The number of smiles I  see grew exponentially throughout the day.  God is clearly working in the lives of these kids.  Please pray that he keeps working in amazing ways!

This is a typical day.  I can't promise that the rest of the blogs will be this detailed.  But in general think about the schedule as laid out on this day. 

Travel to Ukraine

After 5 hours in a car,  11 hours in 4 airports, and 13 hours in the air for a total of 33 hours traveling Christine and I arrived at camp.  

The children arrived before we did.  We had just enough time to eat dinner and then go to tell the students bedtime stories.    I was partnered with Megan.  Because of the long travel, I asked her to do the talking and I would listen.  So I went prepared to say nothing. However, It was her first time ever doing bed time stories and so when it came down to it she looked at me with eyes that said it all "Help."  Nothing like just jumping in. So I dove in, telling the girls about myself and asking about them.  After going around the room.  I was ready to pray and say goodnight, when the girls shouted, "Tell us a Fairy Tail."  I was at a lost.  But finally some one said tell the story of Noah.  So I did. I was so tired I had a hard time remembering the details myself.  But no worries. There is one girl in my group, Carolina, who will fix every mistake I made and  fill in every tiny detail that is not said, just how she would have said it. Although Carolina apparently has heard many bible stories, for most of the girls, this was a first time. They were silent, and listening intently to every word.