Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Life's Impact - (Renae's Helen)

Tuesday the camp that was renting the facility out left and the new team comes in the afternoon. We got a break from raking to franticly clean buildings again.  However, by the time I changed a few beds I was told that they had all the help they needed in that building, so I went to the next building to see what I could do to help. And lucky me, all they needed help with at the time was raking!  So I started raking again :o)  At least until...

I got a visit from a camper from my first trip!  Her name is Helen and she came by and asked, "Where's Renae?" She came to bring a letter for Renae who she connected with 6 years ago.  I am amazed at how much these camps mean to these kids.  She is now 20 years old.  She still has the friendship book that we made in craft time.  This is like a yearbook, where people write wishes and notes to you.  She turned to the page that I wrote and said "this is your hand." And she then pointed out all that Renae wrote then and to the letters that Renae sent afterwords that she taped into this book. She asked that I write in it again. And then she asked if I remember... as she listed many people from that camp 6 years ago that impacted her life. It amazes me how much God can do to make lasting impressions in just a few days.  Truly this is a miracle. 

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