Sunday, July 19, 2009

Camp 2 - Day 6

Again, I'm sorry for the delay. Things at camp go very quickly. We have a scheduled "rest" time in the middle of the day for about 2 hours. However, I have yet had a chance to rest at all. Instead I prep for the next craft or activity. With this also in mind I have not had a chance to go through pictures. I will do my best to add them when possible.

This morning for morning exercise the boys and girls switch places. The boys did a dance and the girls push-ups and running.

Morgan did the bible lesson, which was on trust. She told the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

We brought kites to the sea, which was a hit, but they broke quickly. Which did not deter them.

The talent show was in the afternoon. Again we had a royalty theme. The original idea was to do a kings court. But since the MC's were Russian speakers I have no idea of if that is how it worked out. I do know that between each act the international team ran on stage to "one-up" the previous act. However, we actually did much worse. Some acts were much more hilarious than others. My was one of those others, as I had to mimic a poem without a translator. I just said as many Russian words as I knew, but while up there my mind went blank. Some were in the middle though I managed to say "eat dog." Tricia did an amazing job signing in the most off pitch screeching (considering she can sing I was impressed by this). Steve did a goofy dance, Bob sang "You ain't nothin' but a Hound Dog" with a broken guitar.

In the evening we did different trust stations. The most time consuming one was making a maze big enough for kids to walk through covering about a 1/2 acre.

Morgan also lead craft today. The children made crazy pens and loved it!

I was hoping to up date you through today. But I'm falling asleep so I will try to write more tomorrow.

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