Thursday, July 9, 2009

Team Arrival and Prayer Updates

Today the team arrived. Sergey and I picked up the majority of the team from the airport a little before 4 pm and then waited for the remainder of the team who arrived about 2 hours later. This picture is of us waiting by our bus. While waiting we had ice cream.

We then traveled almost 4 hours back to Hope Center. With two "interesting" restroom stops. The team is very tired although super excited to be here. So after arrival and eating supper at 10pm they are going to sleep.

Prayer Updates: Praise God and thank you for your Prayers! Matt and Sarah's Extension has gone through so they do NOT have to leave tomorrow. As for the team member who had medical problems almost restricted her from coming, the medical issue has seem to melt away. Please Continue to Pray for Arianne, she would like to join us. however all the flights are booked for 2 weeks. Pray for her to decide if she would like to come with the next team if they can find flights at the time.

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