Monday, July 20, 2009

Camp 2 - Day 7

Today's topic was on Families are Teams. The idea is that we rejoice together but also cry together, whatever we is together. The Thomas family did the bible lesson, including the story of the prodigal son.

We did beach Olympics at the sea. There were 5 events, mostly relays of different kinds. 3 were filling various buckets (different sizes or a bottle on someone forehead) with differ things (car wash sponge, small cup, cup with a hole in it.) One was "run around Bob" and the last was to find a buried treasure. The kids enjoyed themselves, and all got medals when they were done.

In the afternoon we did rotating stations. One station was a blow-dart golf scramble (think q-tips and straws) although the game was fun, we had a hard time telling the kids not to blow the q-tips at others. We attempted funny kickball (using an exercise ball instead of a playground ball) however this was a complete flop. The oldest boys got made enough that they took the plug out of the ball. So that one at home for kids who have played kickball before and have a general idea of baseball. We also did a "line" dancing station. Where we played about any song that had a specific dance to it. Here we are not very keen on freestyle dancing, as here that portrays the partying life. However specific dances are fine.

After this we started practicing for the closing ceremony. It amazes me how fast time flies and that we are already preparing for this.

The craft was Friendship books, after which the kids came around to get them signed. We spent the better part of two hours in the craft room and still needed to ask some to leave. They continued to bring these books to them throughout the rest of camp.

(Tomorrow is actually the last day of camp, I'm just a few days behind on the blog. So please be praying for the kids as they go back home!)

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