Saturday, August 8, 2009

Camp 3 Images

There are so many more, but here are a few of my favorite images from camp 3:

This is Tanya. Here father died of TB and her mother is ill with the same thing. The government thinks that she will die soon. The orphanage were Tanya lives is trying to terminate her Mother's rights so that Tanya and her sister can be adopted. Her mother some times comes to visit, but Tanya doesn't go to her, because she doesn't want any part of a life that might result in a similar situation as her father.

This is Oleg. His shoe broke early on in camp and I managed to go to the market to get him new ones. Although they were the wrong size (too small). He insisted that they were normal and wouldn't let me get bigger ones. Apparently he is most used to wearing sandals that are too small.

I don't remember this boys name, but I can tell you a little about him. Anger was his deal. He flicked me off frequently with every hand gesture known (they have more than one here) and swore at me as well. He frequently refused to participate in activities. However, at the beach we got to see a completely different side. He loved the sea. There we saw a delightful and joyous child.

I don't' really have a cool story for this picture, I just like it. These girls loved to take pictures. Mostly of themselves :o) Here they are at the beach reviewing their work.

One of the last days of camp, I made it my goal to take a close up picture of every child at the beach. In about 1 hour I had taken over 200 pictures. This is one of them. I finished just in time to run up the hill before it started to down pour as a thunderstorm was rolling in. (The kids were all still at the beach when it started raining.)

This is Sergey. He has been a camper for as many years as I have been here. Although he is young enough to still be a camper, this year he is volunteering his time at camp. He helps out with a number of different things around camp.

Again I don't remember her name, but she was very self conscious and often didn't allow me to take her picture. Never mind that she is beautiful. Throughout camp, she became more and more open and even allowed me to take a picture, instead of me always having to sneak one.

This boy started the camp very guarded. He didn't smile often, and participated reluctantly. However, he warmed up quickly to us and start to smile more and more.

On the other hand, Daniel smiled from the beginning. A contagious smile.

Sarah and Campbell at Bible Lesson time. One of the most important times of the day. This week we talked about the Armor of God, and ended with a salvation skit an message.

In the salvation skit Melissa became blind, and Jesus comes and takes her problem on to himself. I can't believe the timing of this shot, as it is the moment that she regains her sight.

And this is why we come. To bring the message of Christ to the kids and to be with them as they make the choice to follow Him.

Judith and a couple of her girls.

Jemma and Misha

Tanya and Megan

Arman, Bogdan, Tanya, and Misha

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