Saturday, August 1, 2009

Camp 3 - Day 4

Morning Bible Lesson: Rockets, Sarah teaches us about the shield of faith.

Morning Beach time: Uno, Finding more sea creatures sea horses and , "Look Mom, I'm holding a jelly fish," "Just because I broke my arm, doesn't mean I can't swim," - although this is about as far as he is allowed into the water, Counselors are creative with their fun, The kids like to review pictures they took, and as aways sea how much sand they can possibly get stuck to their bodies at once, Tommy gets in a little man to man time with the boys, while Charisse just holds on. These kids need so much love and attention:

Biffer: A game in which this group of people run and try to hit kids with socks of flour, as they run away, if the break hands the go to jail, and if they get hit the doctor comes to help them. All the while they are trying to complete 9 stations, and not getting stuck at the fake tenth station:

Again we did Interest Groups after Supper: Beauty Shop (See Pictures from yesterday's update), Table Games (Including Legos), Volleyball (In which we had one kid show up), Soccer, Basketball, Balloon animals, and Dance:

Craft: Clothes Pin Butterflies and People: This kid like all of us had no idea of how to make people so she made a flower. The second girl did a great job with her butterfly, but upon leaving craft told us that it was her "Chernobyl Butterfly" apparently it was subjected to some radioactivity:

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