Saturday, August 1, 2009

Camp 3 - Day 2

I am in charge of pictures this camp and often between taking them, downloading them, and editing them. I really don't have time for much else. So the next few blogs will be pictures of what happened on these days. I'll try to add words later (but that might not happen until between camps, because the intensity of my photographer job will only get more from now until the end of camp).

Paul's Lesson on the Bible Followed by the Bible Ceremony:

We got rained out at the beach, so we did stations: English Bulldog that became Human Knot, Dance, Bench Volleyball, and Whamp:

Opening Ceremony: Each Ward Presented their name, Some did talent events, The interns did a game, and the team did Ukraine's Got Talent:

Evening Game: Sardines:

Evening Craft: Visors

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